21 Photos

required, Shaunavon

Saskatchewan, Sign-in required

For Sale

Listing Price: XX,XXX

Updated in Jul 2024

  • 2 Bed
  • 1 Bath

XXXXXX , Shaunavon, S0N2M0

Listing Price: XX,XXX

For Sale
  • 2 Bed
  • 1 Bath

Property Description

Charming home across from the Town Hall in Shaunavon. This home has been a fantastic revenue property but is affordable for the first time home buyer. The inviting front deck leads you to a great porch and large living room. There are two bedrooms and a 4-pc bath. The back yard is open and spacious with a storage shed. A great find in Shaunavon! (id:35363)

Quick Summary

Property Type Single Family Sign-in required
Basement Sign-in required, Sign-in required
Building TypeSign-in required
Construction StyleSign-in required
MLS #SK976843
Days on Market55 Days
Listed On15 Jul 2024
Last Updated16 Jul 2024
Listed ByAccess Real Estate Inc.

Mortgage Calculation

Home Price (CAD)


Mortgage Period (years)

Interest Rate (%)

Down Payment (CAD)


Down Payment in (%)

Mortgage Payments


Cash Flow Analysis

Mortgage Payment (CAD)


Monthly Payment (CAD)


Break Even Down Payment


Property Tax (Monthly)


Maintenance Cost


Rental Income


Cash Flow

$ 0

FAQs - XXXXXX , Shaunavon, Saskatchewan


There are XXXX bedrooms and XXXX bathrooms in this home.

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