13 Photos

required, Ottawa

Ontario, Sign-in required

For Rent

Listing Price: XX,XXX

Updated in Jun 2024

  • 0 Bed
  • 0 Bath

XXXXXX , Ottawa, K1P5C7

Listing Price: XX,XXX

For Rent
  • 0 Bed
  • 0 Bath

Property Description

Welcome to 101 Queen St, the city capitals most exclusive & sought after location in the heart of downtown Ottawa. This commercial space is the perfect location for a high end restaurant with over 6500 sq ft and located in a high traffic area between Queen St and Spark Street that is is separated by a beautiful courtyard with outdoor patio options. This commercial space also features direct access from Queen St along with separate entrance from the Residential Towers above and the opportunity to offer in-room dining to the Hotel component of the building! Underground customer parking is also available and ample signage exposure for your restaurant. Book your showing today! (id:35363)

Quick Summary

Property Type Retail Sign-in required
Basement Sign-in required, Sign-in required
Building TypeSign-in required
Construction StyleSign-in required
MLS #1375605
Days on Market216 Days
Listed On05 Feb 2024
Last Updated21 Jun 2024

Mortgage Calculation

Home Price (CAD)


Mortgage Period (years)

Interest Rate (%)

Down Payment (CAD)


Down Payment in (%)

Mortgage Payments


Cash Flow Analysis

Mortgage Payment (CAD)


Monthly Payment (CAD)


Break Even Down Payment


Property Tax (Monthly)


Maintenance Cost


Rental Income


Cash Flow

$ 0

FAQs - XXXXXX , Ottawa, Ontario



There are XXXX bedrooms and XXXX bathrooms in this home.

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