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Category: Market Trends

The Pros & Cons of Buying a Tenanted Property in Ontario

Real estate investments are an excellent way to create an income-generating source, a popular mainstay in financial portfolios. Many Canadians are considering buying homes, commercial buildings, and residential rental properties to diversify their investments. With low-interest rates and demand outstripping the supply, the Canadian real estate market has been...

Edmonton Real Estate Market (2022)

Edmonton is the capital of Alberta, which is one of Canada’s more significant provinces. With a population of just over 1,000,000, it is the sixth largest city in the country. A central hub for petrochemical industries based on Alberta’s massive oil, gas, and oil sands reserves, the city is...

Immigration to Canada – Highs and Lows

One of the World’s Best Countries Canada is a natural immigration destination with one of the world’s best natural locales, untouched vast wilderness, world-class cities, and a deep-rooted culture of tolerance. The country ranks very high in international measurements of government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, economic freedom,...

Inflation – The Elephant in the Room

By N. Balani What is inflation? Inflation is simply defined as the cost of living going up due to prices increasing across the board from food, transport, gas, housing, utilities, consumer durables, etc. So basically, you get less in the same $100 basket and must budget your expenditure to...

Canada’s Hottest Property Markets

Where in the country are house prices soaring? In recent years, Canada has seen a boom in people looking to live and settle in the country. Between 2020 and 2021, over 220,000 people moved to Canada, which goes to show just how popular the country is. With a unique...

Indian Real Estate -The Best Time to Invest is NOW!

Buy Your Dream Home Today. Buying a home is an essential life goal for many in India, providing social security and financial stability. Over the past couple of years, Indian Real Estate has seen an upswing trend. Many people have started looking for better homes and bigger living spaces...