$999 for Listing Your Home

Author: Hema Chandrashekar

Alluring House Styles in Canada

Canada is picture-perfect heaven, almost unfairly enchanting at times. One of the most stunning, diverse geographic landscapes on Earth, the country is blessed with abundant natural resources. Voted consistently among the best countries to live in, Canada has been a top choice for immigrants for many years. Cultural Mosaic...

Regina Real Estate Market Forecast 2024

By N. Balani The fast-changing scene of the housing market is evident right now in Canada. After a long period of low-interest rates, we have entered an extended term of interest rate hikes. The hawkish stance of the Bank of Canada is the same as many countries globally. Regina...

The Minimum Credit Score for Renting an Apartment in Canada

What is a Credit Score? Let’s start with the basics – credit report, credit score, and credit history. And we shall see how vital it is to ensure that you have a good credit score. Simply speaking, a credit score is a three-digit number (usually between 300 and 900)...

A Peek into the Most Expensive Houses in Regina

Regina Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan, located on the banks of the serene Wascana Creek in the Canadian Prairies. One of Canada’s fastest-growing significant cities, it is a vibrant place with a rich heritage. Regina is Saskatchewan’s second biggest city, with a population of 226,404, per the 2021...

When Can a Bank Foreclose on a Mortgage?

What is a Foreclosure? Foreclosure is a legal process under which the lender takes charge of the asset (property) from the borrower who has missed payments on the loan. The lender gives the homeowner or the borrower an opportunity to sell the property and repay the dues within a...

Will Canada go into a Recession in 2022?

By N. Balani What is a recession? The traditional definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth in gross domestic product (GDP). The definition for recession by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) takes a broader view of the economy. According to the NBER, a...