$999 for Listing Your Home


Multi-Generational Spaces

A Home for All Ages – How to Create Multi-Generational Spaces

Safety in numbers is no longer only about being physically safe in a new situation. The rising costs of housing combined with the natural desire to stay close to family has made this adage come true in housing too. As more Canadians consider living in the same house on a ...
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Listing Price for Your Home for sale

What NOT TO DO When Listing Your Home for Sale

Canadian real estate is showing signs of settling down after a rollercoaster couple of years. The Bank of Canada is doing its bit by cutting down interest rates while the government is introducing fiscal measures that are aimed at making homes more affordable. Or, at least, making mortgages more affordable ...
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Mortgage Pre-approval

Mortgage Pre-Approval: An Essential Step Towards Easier Home-Buying

Canada’s mortgages face renewed hope, thanks to recent developments in the economy as well as a couple of government policies. Statistics Canada reports that inflation has slowed down, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) dropping to 2% in August 2024. The lowest it has been since February 2021, this is ...
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Buy a Home in Vancouver, BC

Right Time to Buy a Home in Vancouver, BC?

There are multiple reports about the housing markets in Canada – and some of them are actually true! But yes, if you are a first-time home buyer in Vancouver and are waiting to see which way the wind is blowing before you jump in, it can be a tad confusing ...
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Fall in Canada

The Golden Season: Why Fall in Canada is Special for More Than Just Nature

As the warm hues of summer fade and Canada’s landscape transforms into a vibrant display of gold, red, and orange, it’s no wonder that fall (or autumn) is a season many Canadians look forward to. But beyond its natural beauty, fall in Canada brings significant changes across various aspects of ...
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